Thursday, October 3, 2019

Paligo vs ClickHelp and Document360

Don't compare apples and oranges, they said. I've always wondered why. They are both fruits. Both are things you eat. And digested. And... you know where I could have gone with this...
Of course they are grown in different climatic conditions. But there are so many similarities. 

Which is why we will be comparing Apples, Oranges, and Melons. 

Let's find out which one gets the cherry on the top :)

What we are currently using

We are looking to move out of Confluence(server). I love the functionality, but it's not really an authoring tool. It's such a headache to customise something that's built for collaboration if what you really need at the end is a Knowledge base for end users.
But that's what we've been doing for the past few years. Support was becoming a real challenge (Rolls eyes). And there's a strong push from our IT team to move away from something that required so much of their effort to maintain. We had to move to a cloud solution.

The tools I considered

I'm not going into why I selected these three tools to compare. But these were the three that were left behind after I spread a wide net initially and ended up ruling out several tools along the way. I want to reiterate that this comparison is especially useful if you are moving out of confluence and are looking for an authoring and publishing tool.

I took a demo from each of these vendors. I also played around with each of these tools for a period ranging from two weeks to a month. I found Document360 to be the most easy to learn and the most intuitive. ClickHelp wasn't that difficult either. But it isn't the most intuitive. But Paligo does have a learning curve. Especially if you are used to something like Confluence. And from reviews, I understood that I was not alone

Paligo has some very interesting functionality. Imagine being able to reuse content at a step level? Imagine if the tool would prompt you about content that you have already created and suggest reuse?
But it's only an authoring tool Which means you have to fend for some place to host the content you create on Paligo. It's not a big deal. You could just host it on Amazon S3 for all you care. But we'd want to have an environment where we can not only author, but also publish content.

ClickHelp isn't very fancy. It gets things done. But nothing that really sweeps you off your feet. 

Document360 offers you both an authoring and publishing platform. If you were used to Confluence, then understanding Document360 won't be a challenge. The UI is much more intuitive than the other two tools. There are some drawbacks when it comes to functionality, but it's only a matter of time that they will be on par. Or near about there.
They also have an in-app assistant which can bring any content you create on their tool, inside your application. Another thing that I really liked about Document360 was that they offered to help us become successful in using their tool. The other two vendors basically pointed to their Professional Services teams. Even training is charged! Which is bordering the ridiculous. Even if you have a superior product, it just doesn't make a lot of sense to charge me for learning it. It's in your interest that I learn to use it! And use it well. You think about value added services only after initial value is delivered and realised. Not before. 

There's also a huge delay between responses when it comes to question and answers with ClickHelp. And I had a ton of questions. Paligo was more responsive. When the questions were many, we quickly jumped on a call. But Document 360 was the fastest to respond. They also seemed to be in a better position to oblige your requests for functionality. For example, when I checked with Paligo about when they would have a complete authoring and publishing platform. 2020 was the answer. A question to Document360 had answers which had much shorter time frames. In fact, there were a couple of features that were actually shown to me on their dev/testing platform. So their answers seemed much more realistic to me)

When it comes to pricing, no prizes for guessing who wins. Keep in mind that the incremental cost for each writer you add is the biggest in Paligo and the least in Document360. 

But here's an insight on pricing models. Something I heard from our CTO. If you truly want your users to use your product, your pricing model shouldn't say otherwise. If you determine your price by the number of authors, or the amount of content that's created, then you are inadvertently using price to restrict their ability to create content! Don't apply pricing at the point of content creation. Look at pricing at the point of content consumption. More companies would be happy to pay for content that's being used. If your pricing model restricts authors either by the number of authors, or by the volume of content, you are kind of shooting yourself in the foot. (Which is why Whatfix does not charge you by the number of authors or the amount of content.You are welcome to use our product as much as is possible. Chew on that :)

I made a list of criteria that I would use to evaluate each solution. I've listed a few below and mentioned the significance of each criteria.


  • Editor: Brownie points for WYSIWYG. Must be easy to create and manage. Must be able to go into the code view when necessary.
  • Custom Domain: Ability to use a url of your choice for example ( and not have something like your One of the deal breakers for confluence cloud.
  • Scalability: Ability to manage a large quantity of content/users/authors
  • Vector Graphics: Ability to embed clickable workflows that give you a good 'big picture. Confluence did this beautifully with their plugin.
  • Entry/Exit: Very similar to scalability, but this is about the ease of getting into and out of the tool if necessary.
  • Integrations: Many organizations would want their publishing platform to integrate with their ticketing system.
  • Translation: Because not all your users want to learn English!
  • Migration Support: When moving out of one tool into another, the support the vendor offers determines how easy or difficult it is to migrate
  • Single Source/Variables/Conditionals: Reuse, reuse, reuse
  • Internal/External content: For instances where you'd want to show different content to an internal audience as opposed to limited content to unauthenticated external users
  • Authoring/Publishing: You wouldn't want to deal with multiple vendors for each activity
  • Expand Collapse content: To progressively display information so that you don't overwhelm your users with a lot of content. The expand function in Confluence
  • Analytics: Make sure you are not only receiving information on how your content is being created, but also on how it is being used.
  • Version Control: If to err is human.then Version control is salvation. You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free :)
  • Responsive: More than 10% of our users access help using Mobile devices
  • Workflow: You'd want to have some kind of environment to host and review content before it is published. Sorely missed this in confluence.
  • Support SLAs: We had to always wait 24 hours before we received any response from the support team at confluence. Many organizations want global customers, but don't want to provide support when it is needed.  
  • Ability to collect Feedback: Again sorely missed in Confluence. Gave us only a binary yes or no kind of feedback. But for feedback to be effective, you'd want to collect user speak verbatim.
  • Find and Replace: This is a big one. The ability to quickly change stuff at a global level without having to go into each document.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Makes the solution more accessible. Improves productivity.
  • Pricing: Most bang for the buck. Look at incremental costs.
  • Notifications: The ability to watch, monitor and receive alerts when content is changed.
  • Storage Space: If you use heavy graphics and multimedia in your content, make sure you consider the amount of space they provide.
  • Single Sign On: Ensures users can use existing credentials to log in. Removes one hurdle to getting people to create content.
  • Search: What search engine is each vendor using? How much control does it give you in getting your audience to see the tree that fell in the forest?

Here's the comparison I created. Let me know if I missed anything. Or got something wrong. I did involve the vendors as well, but made several more changes

EditorWysiwyg (unstructured)Wysiwyg (structured)Mark down
(Wysiwyg RTC*)
Custom DomainSupportedSupportedSupported
Vector graphicsSupportedNot supported, (Steve
offered to look into it)
ScalabilityDifferent plans as you
ramp up authors and
XML (Best)Supported with different
Entry/ExitSomewhat.Beautiful!Supported (to evaluate)
IntegrationsPlugin with ZendeskIntegrates with ZendeskPlugin with Zendesk
TranslationOutput files need to be
translated and then
Integrates with Translation
memory or sends XLIFF
files to a TMS
Not supported
Outputs supportedSupports HTML5, PDFsimilarsimilar, Doc
Migration supportPartially supported
significant effort to clean up
Contact Professional
for customization
Very clean import.
maintained, Contact
Professional Services
for home page design, etc
Free import support
Single Sourcing/
Content Reuse
BasicAvailable at step level.
Very advanced
Not supported
PublishingIn builtNeed to purchase 3rd party
platform or use own server
In built
Expand CollapseSupportedSupportedNot out of the box
AnalyticsIn built + Google AnalyticsGA and MixpanelIn built
Version Controlarticle levelComponent levelSupported in code view as well!
Learning CurveModerateSteep learning curveEasy to use
CollaborativeBetter (has higher number
of reviewers)
Simultaneous EditsCheck in/Check outCheck in/Check outPossible
NavigationCustomizableCustomizableNo limits
Feedback mechanismThumbs up/down +
integration Disqus
possibleOut of the box +
integration with Disqus
Find and ReplaceNot retrospectivelyPowerful retrospective
search and replace
Keyboard shortcutssupportedsupportedSupported
SupportEmail (24hrs-48 hrs)Support on every plan,
SLA varies by plan
Email, phone, Zoom
Pricing~2.5k+6 authors~5k 2 authors1.2K with 5 authors**
Content Staging for review PossiblePossibleSupported
Watch/ NotificationsSupportedSupportedSupported
Storage10 GB30GB25GB (Expandable)
In-app assistantSupportedNot supportedCan display content inline
on your application
VariablesSupportedSupportedNot supported (RTC)
ConditionalsSupportedSupported Not supported (RTC)
Internal/External contentSupportedSupportedSupported
Single Sign OnSupportedSupportedNot supported (RTC)
SearchFull text searchSupports multiple options
including Algolia &
Elastic Search

* RTC (round the corner - part of roadmap, available shortly)
And which one did I select? Why? Guesses? Use the comments :)

What I particularly like about Document360

  • There's a nifty view in the admin panel that tells you about all the features that they have and how many you have actually used. Really cool way to realise how much is still left behind on the table. But the thing is - you can still do something about the features that you haven't tried out.
  • I like that we don't have to go into edit to see the article history. I also love it that they give you the ability to view differences across both the code view and the rendered view. 
  • The ability to mark an article with a 'new' badge so that it becomes easy for end users to know what content has been recently added.

Important: Document 360 is priced per project. A project can be considered a URL. If you have an external and an internal audience, then that's ideally two projects. It's not as clear as you'd hoped it would be in the pricing details, even though they do mention it's a per project cost.


  1. Hello Pharoah! My name is Ian, and I’m a technical support engineer at ClickHelp. While I liked your blog article and admire your thoroughness, I noticed a few inaccuracies regarding our product. I’d like to address them to make sure the information is complete and precise.

    - Integrations. Plugin with Zendesk
    Zendesk integration is only one of many ( integrations that ClickHelp has.
    Translation. Output files need to be translated and then imported
    In fact, we’re currently working on a translation/localization support.

    - Outputs supported. Supports HTML5, PDF
    Yes, Clickhelp includes these types of output, but is not limited to them. There’s an online version (hosted in your portal), CHM, DOCX and Epub as well.

    - Migration support. Partially supported significant effort to clean up/Contact professional services for customization
    This point is the most debatable. The result that you get when you import documentation from a 3rd-party software depends on so many things: format, settings selected, the export tool particularities, etc. Basically, it goes from the settings you used when exporting documentation to the settings you selected during import to ClickHelp. Also, there are various ways you can go about “cleaning up” the imported documentation, and, I must admit, some of them may seem not that obvious. Did you contact our support regarding this?

    - Single Sourcing/Content Reuse. Basic
    I’m a little surprised here, since ClickHelp offers a number of single sourcing and content reuse functions, like conditional blocks, conditional TOC branches and styles, content reuse inside and across projects, variables. Were you looking for some specific scenario support that you could not implement? We’d gladly take note and improve our software if we lag behind on this functionality.

    - Workflow. Partial
    Taking into account that ClickHelp supports custom workflow scheme (statuses, transitions), assignee and owner tracking, email notifications, and unlimited editing history, I’m wondering what exactly you were looking for. Can you tell me what was missing, so I can pass this over to our Devs?

    - Navigation. Customizable
    While this, in fact, is true, I’m a little confused by the “No Limits” statement for Docs360. In ClickHelp, there is no restriction to the navigation options you can implement. I’d be glad if you could provide some more details here :)

    - Find and Replace. Not retrospectively
    Just wanted to let you know that we’re working on this feature and it’s planned for Q4 2019 release. ClickHelp will feature Global Find & Replace pretty soon!

    - Support. Email (24hrs-48 hrs)
    While we guarantee first response within 24 hours, 90% of user queries are responded to within 2 hours. On top of that, we offer an online case portal for clients to manage their cases online, which is sometimes easier than using e-mail.

    - Pricing. ~2.5k+6 authors
    I think it’s worth noting that the price you’ve indicated is for a PRO plan. But our basic plan starts at ~$500/year and you have a great ability to customize the pricing plan for your exact needs.

    - Storage. 10 GB
    And you can always expand this by adding another 100GB as an add-on.

    - In-app assistant. Not supported
    In fact, there is a support for “in-app assistant”. We call it Context Help, which you can integrate inside your apps or websites in several ways:

    I hope this information adds value to your comparison! Hope to hear from you soon on those things that cause some questions from my side :)

  2. Thanks for your comment. The difference between the demo I got from Document360 and ClickHelp is that for round the corner features, I was actually shown the feature that was in testing. I also sent this comparison to Alex before it was published. He had pointed out a couple of corrections that I had made.

    Now, with regarding to getting onboard the tool, the Doc 360 team said we'd get you up and running. No sweat. There were no conditions. After I'm fully satisfied, then only the topic of payment came up. Even that, I had to bring it up. I didn't hear anything like this with ClickHelp and that was one of the deal breakers actually.

    Like I mentioned in the blog already, this comparison exercise is something I did for myself. We use Zendesk. Which is why I was only concerned about Zendesk. The other tools have other integrations too.

    Same answer for outputs. I've only mentioned the outputs that I care about. The other tools also support other outputs. Like I've mentioned, if you were migrating out of confluence, you have very specific needs.

    For single sourcing and reuse, it's Paligo that does the best job. Hands down. Which is what was the gold standard. And that's why I said ClickHelp is basic. And I've clearly said 'not supported for Doc360. In spite of knowing that there is something in the pipeline.

    Workflow: I found the Document360 workflow to be most user friendly and intuitive. It's something that was much more sticky than what I remember from ClickHelp.

    Support Email: I've mentioned this from personal experience. I found the lag just too much when compared to the responses from the other two. There are a couple of emails that actually slipped through the cracks as well. And I had to send a reminder. Small things like this can leave a lasting impression. (Plus there is a lot of negative press if you do a quick scan on slack channels/ medium comments, which I have to admit has had it's own effect.) That's not happened with the other two players. I don't have anything against ClickHelp. Just that Document360 were able to do a better job at convincing me that not only would they help me with getting me to a start point, they'd bend a little backwards to accommodate my feature requests too. And anyone who's even a prospect can see what the features are that they are working on. How many of their other customers are asking for it - it's extremely transparent. I didn't see anything like that for ClickHelp. Paligo was very professional about things. There was no bad mouthing of their competition. They simply focussed on their strengths. And their import was actually the best. But there were certain challenges for which I had to reach out to their professional services team. Which didn't work for me.

    Pricing and storage, it's not the minimum that I'm looking for. It's for my specific needs that are comparable to each other. Document360 has cheaper plans too. But that's not what I selected either.

    On context help, I've made the correction. It wasn't marketed to me when we spoke. Or I didn't remember it like I did on Document360.
